I’m pleased with the way that mantrul.com deals with this type of topic! Generally on point, sometimes controversial, always well-written and also challenging.
Quite a good read. I just now forwarded this on 10/2/2016 to a coworker who has been involved in a little research of her own on the topic. To show her appreciation, he just bought me dinner! So, I should probably say: Thank you for the drink!
I’m gratified by the manner in which mantrul.com covers this sort of subject matter! Generally to the point, sometimes controversial, consistently well-written and also stimulating.
In my estimation, mantrul.com does a excellent job of dealing with subject matter of this type. Even if sometimes deliberately controversial, the material posted is more often than not well-written and challenging.
10/25/2016 I’m pleased by the manner in which mantrul.com deals with this sort of issue! Generally on point, sometimes contentious, consistently well-written and stimulating.
11/9/2016 I’m gratified with the way that mantrul.com covers this kind of topic! Generally to the point, sometimes polemic, consistently well-written and also challenging.
:D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D???????????????????? :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
operamos? 😀
estaría bueno que los hermanos cirugía se den una vueltita por un jardín de infantes.
digo… con este asunto de las vacaciones de invierno, ustedes entienden.
no, no entiendo
si je
un claro homenaje a LegoRobot y Explosm. Admirable
No voy a negar la influencia de explosm porque es obvia, pero es una serie con muchos altibajos
operan con sombrero, q chic
Ojala me hubieran operado asi del apendice, odio las anestesias
Era judio el paciente no? Y gay porque tiene remera rosa. QUIERO AL OSO FACHO!
hay cierto tipo de momosexuales llamados Oso. grandes, peludos, dominan a las nutrias bellas de las fiestas…
OSO FACHO PUTO! OSO FACHO PUTO! El pueblo lo pide…
Se re puso MantrulComics!
comentario #14
prii !!
me surge odio al de bigote
es como mr hipo
fuera de joda es mr hipo
es el destino de los negros
9/22/2016 at 17:29:20 Hello from danglekatangul
I’m pleased with the way that mantrul.com deals with this type of topic! Generally on point, sometimes controversial, always well-written and also challenging.
Quite a good read. I just now forwarded this on 10/2/2016 to a coworker who has been involved in a little research of her own on the topic. To show her appreciation, he just bought me dinner! So, I should probably say: Thank you for the drink!
I’m gratified by the manner in which mantrul.com covers this sort of subject matter! Generally to the point, sometimes controversial, consistently well-written and also stimulating.
Like the website– very easy to navigate and lots to explore!
In my estimation, mantrul.com does a excellent job of dealing with subject matter of this type. Even if sometimes deliberately controversial, the material posted is more often than not well-written and challenging.
10/21/2016 @ 20:07:36 Love the website– very user-friendly and a lot of stuff to think about!
I more or less share your opinion on this topic and look forward to new posts and comments here at mantrul.com. Thanks!
10/25/2016 I’m pleased by the manner in which mantrul.com deals with this sort of issue! Generally on point, sometimes contentious, consistently well-written and stimulating.
11/9/2016 I’m gratified with the way that mantrul.com covers this kind of topic! Generally to the point, sometimes polemic, consistently well-written and also challenging.
mantrul.com does it yet again! Very perceptive site and a well-written article. Keep up the good work!
mantrul.com does it again! Very perceptive site and a thought-provoking article. Keep up the good work!
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