Publicado el 16/03/2008
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  • Yo una ves me garche el virus y nuestero hijo fue un agente de la matrix :O

  • 9/22/2016 at 19:09:36 Hello from danglekatangul

  • I’m gratified by the manner in which covers this sort of issue. Generally to the point, often contentious, consistently well-researched and more often than not quite stimulating.

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  • does it yet again! Very interesting site and a well-written post. Nice work!

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  • Solid, well-researched content. I just now forwarded this on 10/9/2016 to a colleague who’s been doing a little research of her own on this subject. To say thank you, she just bought me dinner! So, let me express my gratitude by saying: Thanks for the meal!

  • In my opinion, does a good job of handling subjects of this sort! While sometimes deliberately controversial, the material posted is in the main thoughtful and stimulating.

  • I’m pleased by the manner in which handles this type of subject matter! Generally to the point, sometimes polemic, without fail thoughtful and also stimulating.

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  • 11/7/2016 @ 13:03:17 Appreciate the site– very easy to navigate and lots to explore!

  • 11/9/2016 I’m gratified with the way that handles this type of subject matter. Usually to the point, sometimes contentious, without fail thoughtful and stimulating.

  • Like this site– very user-friendly and lots to explore!

  • always has well-written coverage about trending topics. Will continue to read and recommend.!

  • 11/24/2016 In my opinion, does a excellent job of covering subjects like this. While often intentionally controversial, the material posted is generally thoughtful and challenging.

  • 11/27/2016 @ 20:40:08 In my opinion, does a great job of dealing with subjects of this sort! While frequently deliberately controversial, the posts are generally well researched and challenging.

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